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Some Days歌词


I am a young man, born to break these rules~
Some days I am in the different moods~
Some days I am feeling that would hurt
And one day I am feeling so cursed
Then some days I feel like a bird
But some days I just learnt to flutter
Get them a feelings now
Get them all wondering how~
We wish that
They don’t follow crowds~
I was at lost&found
When I found myself
I can’t settle down
At least not right now
Some days
Just one day~
Maybe some days
Just one day
Maybe some days
Just one day
I am a young man, born to break these rules~
Some days I am in the different moods~
Some days I am feeling that would hurt
And one day I am feeling so cursed
Then some days I feel like a bird
But some days I just learn to flutter
Some days I can conquer Roman
And some days I am just stuck at home
And some days I stare on my phone
And some days I want to smash my phone
And some days plz leave me alone
And some days I feel so alone
And some days I wish we were over
And some days I need u to come over
Some days
Maybe two days ~ ( I don’t know)
Maybe some days
Maybe two days
Maybe some days
Maybe one day~ day yeah~


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