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Some Days歌词


It’s been a rough couple weeks
Spent the weekend in my bed
Smiling lies through my teeth
Trapped in my head
I’m trying hard to hold it all together
Never good at living under pressure
Dying but I know it’s not forever
Cause some days I almost lose my mind
Some days all I do is cry
Some days I can make it through alright
Yeah, someday it’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
I thought that I would’ve been
Over this by now
Then another wave pulls me in
Dragging me down
I’m trying hard to hold it all together
Never good at living under pressure
Dying but I know it’s not forever
Cause some days I almost lose my mind
Some days all I do is cry
Some days I can make it through alright
Yeah, someday it’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
I’m trying hard to hold it all together
Cause some days I almost lose my mind
Some days all I do is cry
Some days I can make it through alright
Yeah, someday it’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay
It’ll be okay


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