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Where I Belong歌词


Rexx Life Raj - Where I Belong
Ay all of my thoughts
Be clouding my judgement sometimes
Backtracking and second-guessing
Like I don't know nothin' sometimes
Seems like I'm spending hella my time to figure it out
Who are these *****s around
They're just gonna ruffle my feathers stuck in my wings
Can't get off the ground
I got the vision they don't got the vision
I'm well aware of all my decisions
When I need 'em and I call 'em everybody missing
When I got it they come back around this **** is fishy
I keep betting on Faraji even when it's risky
My anxiety been finding ways to keep me busy yeah
Guess it's a blessing in disguise
I get lost in my mind
Still I rise every time still I rise
It's been a hell of a ride
*****s been off of my old **** know that
I just get better with time
But that I never rewind
No I don't nickel-and-dime
I'd rather put it in the time
I'd rather work
I'd rather own all my own ****
I feel better when it's mine
Know I'mma shine
You know it
Walk into room soul glowin'
You see the light on me
Look how it shines on me
I might have been down but not for long
When you turn around know I'll be gone
And be at the top where I belong
Where I belong
Spend a lot of time to right the wrongs
Then I let go of all my flaws
And headed to the top where I belong yeah
Where I belong


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