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Speedy Runner歌词


Speedy Runner - Various Artists (欧美群星)
I feel the heat
Of my engine
Like a flame and fire
The music flows
Around me
Makes me so faster
I have no fear
And I just wanna take control
Make me stronger
Race it's so longer
You run away
With all your fantasies
Cause I feel like a dreamer
Speedy runner
Speedy driver
Push it push it power and go
Speedy runner
Crazy driver
Feel the passion you got inside
Speedy runner
Speedy driver
Push it push it power and go
Speedy runner
Crazy driver
Feel the passion you got inside
I'm climbing high
In my engine
I can touch the skies now
I wanna go
And never stopping no time now
I have no fear
And I just wanna take control
Make me stronger
Race it's so longer
You run away
With all your fantasies
Cause I feel like a dreamer
Speedy runner
Speedy driver
Push it push it power and go
Speedy runner
Crazy driver
Feel the passion you got inside
Speedy runner
Speedy driver
Push it push it power and go
Speedy runner
Crazy driver
Feel the passion you got inside
I have no fear
I have no fear
I have no fear
I have no fear
You run away with
All your fantasies
Cause I feel like a dreamer
Speedy runner
Speedy driver
Push it push it power and go
Speedy runner
Crazy driver
Feel the passion you got inside
Speedy runner
Speedy driver
Push it push it power and go
Speedy runner
Crazy driver
Feel the passion you got inside


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