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Follow Me歌词


I see you looking
Why don't you speak
If you wanna take a ride
Take a ride with me
Better run away if you can't stand out here
Oh close your eyes and follow me
I see you looking
Why don't you speak
If you wanna take a ride
Take a ride with me
Better run away if you can't stand out here
Oh close your eyes and follow me
Oh close your eyes and follow me
Oh close your eyes and follow me
I see you looking
Why don't you speak
If you wanna take a ride
Take a ride with me
Better run away if you can't stand out here
Oh close your eyes and follow me
I see you looking
Why don't you speak
If you wanna take a ride
Take a ride with me
Better run away if you can't stand out here
Oh close your eyes and follow me
Close your eyes and follow me
Close your eyes and follow me


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