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Far Away From Here歌词


yaeow、Kevin Häggström - Far Away From Here
Can you take me far away somewhere I can rest my head
Can you take me far away from here
Yeah I want to see the stars
But I can't do it alone
I want to see the stars with you
Can you take me far away somewhere I can rest my head
Can you take me far away from here
Yeah I want to see the stars
But I can't do it alone
I want to see the stars with you
I said I can't do it all alone
No I can't be on my own
Yeah I just wanna lay down with the stars and you
And I fall down deeper down deeper
Yeah I fall down deeper down deeper
Can you take me far away somewhere I can rest my head
Can you take me far away from here
Yeah I want to see the stars
But I can't do it alone
I want to see the stars with you
Can you take me far away somewhere I can rest my head
Can you take me far away from here
And I fall down deeper down deeper
Yeah I fall down deeper down deepe


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