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作曲 : Randy Patrick Pasquarella
I can feel you staring back at me
Another nightmare, I'm trapped in my own dream
Just close your eyes
What you feel is fake, what you feel is fake
All around the dark room
I can hear their sinister cries
What can I do to shake this feeling?
Screaming for help but no one can hear me
All alone, the demons come forth
Helpless as the shadows take, take form
Like a ghost preying on its victim
Can I just jolt from this lucid dream?
I can feel you staring back at me
So haunting, so empty
Another nightmare, I’m trapped in my own dream
I can't move, just wake up
I'm lost, alone
I feel like there’s no hope
I can hear you whispering to me
Fear me, fear me
Stay awake, don't succumb to the voices
Fight with all I have until there's no other choice
Stray away from the exhaustion
That embodies me
Never ending trauma is all that is left to see (Left to see)
Just for tonight I need to stay alive
It's all happening so quick
And I'm running out of time
I can feel you staring back at me
So haunting, so empty
Another nightmare, I'm trapped in my own dream
I can't move, just wake up
I'm lost, alone
I feel like there’s no hope
I can hear you whispering to me
Fear me, fear me
It’s all happening so quick
And I'm running out of time
Before I come to my senses, it’s all over
And my mind feels so weary
My eyes so ****ing heavy (So ****ing heavy)
I can feel you staring back at me
Another nightmare, I'm trapped in my own dream
I can feel you staring back at me
So haunting, so empty
Another nightmare, I'm trapped in my own dream
I can't move, just wake up
I’m lost, alone
I feel like there's no hope
I can hear you whispering to me
Fear me, fear me
I can hear you whispering to me
Fear me, fear me


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