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Truest Lies歌词


Shattered mirror in the sky
Reflecting all I hide
There in the fragments of my mind
And I don't need you to love me, to love me anymore
As long as you tell me, show me what I'm looking for
You're the truest lie I lost my heart in
Every time I try, I can't let go
And nothing ever goes the way I planned it
I understand that now
You're the truest lie, truest lie
I'll never know
My truest lie
Truest lie
All the delusions I believe are reinventing me
And in the chaos I find my peace
And I don't need you to love me, to love me anymore
As long as you tell me, show me what I'm looking for
You're the truest lie I lost my heart in
Every time I try, I can't let go
And nothing ever goes the way I planned it
I understand that now
You're the truest lie, truest lie
I'll never know
My truest lie
Truest lie


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