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Boy Racers歌词


Were you mangled by a tree?
Were you a teen girl fantasy?
It's not okay that we can't sleep tonight
With boy racers in our dreams at night
Boy racers in our dreams at night
Boy racers in our dreams at night
Boy racers in our dreams at night
Boy racer, did you see that light?
Are you suspended in time?
Does anyone even know what you might look like?
It's not okay that we can't sleep tonight
With boy racers in our dreams at night
Boy racers in our dreams at night
Boy racers in our dreams at night
Boy racers in our dreams at night
Boy racer, did you see that light?
I always stayed at home
I always stayed at home
I always stayed at home
I should have stayed at home
Your face doesn't age
And you're always small
And you're always small
And there are things that you'll never know
Things that you'll never
I'm flying
I'm flying
I'm flying


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