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One Moment歌词


作曲 : Vladislav Urevich Parshin
You see life in these ruins
But I find it hard to believe
In places where your heart bleeds
So hard to find the space
Where we can lie down quietly
Feelings change in a one moment
On the way to our place of birth
Words are slowly turning to the snow
On the way to our place of birth
Cold winds are shaking the high trees
And it's so easy to forget our names
You see life in these ruins
But I find it hard to believe
Together we can run far
Together we will fall
Together we will fade away
Words are slowly turning to the snow
On the way to our place of birth
Feelings change in a one moment
On the way to our place of birth
Cold winds are shaking the high trees
And it's so easy to forget our names
Love is a perfect ache
And I hear the sound of piano when you are calling me
Feelings change in a one moment
On the way to our place of birth
Words are slowly turning to the snow
On the way to our place of birth


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