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Easier Said Than Done歌词


But begainning to bad them all
But still burning them all
And are you remember
You got to needs
And so i to belive
I can deserve it
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i love baby's one
My love goes and on
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i love baby's one
My love goes and on
If no one would try to say
I would do it any way
I can begin to believe
If no one begin about
If given to the dull
Hiden the wrong way
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i love baby's one
My love goes and on
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i love baby's one
My love goes and on
Let me told you
That i miss you
Let me told you
That i want you
Let me told you
That i feel you
Let me told you
That i miss you
Let me told you
That i want you
Let me told you
That i feel you
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i love baby's one
My love goes and on
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i love baby's one
My love goes and on
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i love baby's one
My love goes and on
Yes i say baby it's done
Yes i love baby's one
My love goes and on
My love goes and on
My love goes and on


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