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Scopin (Explicit) - Kordhell
Composed by:Mick Kenney
I got that gauge 38 and that four five glock
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
I got that I got that I got that four five glock
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
I got that gauge 38 and that four five glock
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
I got that I got that I got that I got that
Scooping with that red dart
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
I got that gauge 38 and that four five glock
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
I got that I got that I got that four five glock
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
I got that gauge 38 and that four five glock
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
I got that I got that I got that four five glock
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
Scooping with that red dart
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
Scooping with that red dart
Scooping scooping with that red dart
Scooping with that red dart
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart
Scooping with that red dart
Scooping scooping with that red dart
Scooping with that red dart
Deep in the bushes see I'm scooping with that red dart


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