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Little Bird歌词


Your heart sings like a kettle
And your words they boil away like steam
And a lie burns long while the truth bites quick
A heart is built for both it seems
You are lonely as a church
Despite the queuing out your door
I am empty as a promise no more
When the time comes
And rights have been read
I think of you often
But for once I meant what I said
I was salted by your hunger
Now you've gone and lost your appetite
And a little bird is every bit as handy in a fight
I am lonely as a memory
Despite the gathering round the fire
Aren't you every bird on every wire
When the time comes
And rights have been read
I think of you often
But for once I meant what I said
Here I stay I lay me down
In a house by the hill
I'm dug from the rubble and cut from the kill
Here I stay I lay me down
In a house by the hill
I'm dug from the rubble and cut from the kill
I'm dug from the rubble and cut from the kill
I'm dug from the rubble and cut from the kill


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